Saturday, November 30, 2013

Buffalo Wild Wings (BWLD)

Buffalo Wild Wings has been cruisin' lately.  If you are looking for a good time to jump in, one may be coming up in the very near future. 
This is a Daily chart of BWLD

About a month ago, when BWLD announced earnings, would have been a good time to buy some shares.  It has gone from about $137 (after earnings) to $150ish where it is now.  In the process of getting up to 150ish it has created a well defined triangle.  The top of the triangle and the hypotenuse of the triangle are your guides for a new investment should you want to make one.

If you invest (long) here, don't let the price drop below the hypotenuse of the triangle.  If it drops below intraday then you can decide if you want to see where it closes.  If it closes below then going long may not have been the best decision.  Set your stop just below the green uptrend line.  I would say 145 to 148 is a good place to put your stop.  The uptrend line is currently at 148ish.  Remember that setting a stop is like you saying, "I am willing to throw $X.00 out the window if this doesn't work."  Investing is risky.  But you have to limit that risk so it's tolerable.

Once the price closes above the top of the triangle, you want to look for confirmation.  You want the next day or two to stay above the top of the triangle.  A close back below won't be a great sign if you are long. 

Monitor & adjust your stop.  The plan here is that the price will go above the top of the triangle and continue higher once that happens.  If you put your initial stop in at $146.50 to protect your initial investment just in case the plan didn't work out, then move it up to say 150ish or "your break even" once the plan comes to fruition.  Then move your stop even higher once the price has extended.

Protect your profits.  If this plan goes off the way I hope it will you could see a price increase of 3-10% in a relatively short time.  If you find your investment is up 3-5% in a month you should take some profits.  How?  Sell some shares.  Maybe sell 20% of your initial investment and let the other 80% run for a while.  As long as it follows the uptrend line just sit tight and watch it grow.  Eventually you will want to take even more profits. 

Base your investment decisions on the chart.  Trade (invest) what you see.  Not what you think, or feel, or hope, or ...    
Limit Risk & Protect Your Profits.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Timeframes Matter...

Charts Can Be Deceiving

I hope to get you to pay attention to other TIME FRAMES along with the one being presented.  You should look at the daily, weekly, and monthly charts before making an investment in any stock.  Then follow the trend.  Until it breaks.
I know, I know.  You are thinking that a chart is based on facts so there is no way it can lie.  Well, I don't agree.  What if the TIME FRAME used to create the chart doesn't give you enough of the history to really see the details?

I am about to show you a daily chart of JCP.  This daily chart looks like things are getting better for JCP's stock.  Maybe they are.  The daily candles have already crossed over a down trend (DT) line and are heading for DT 2.  They are actually following an up trend (UT) line very nicely. 

Let me just say that there are some reasons to "believe" that JCP's stock has made a turn for the better.  But I don't invest on what I believe.  I invest (trade) on what I see on the chart.  But which chart am I looking at?

Remember that the DT lines on the chart are places we should look for a potential change in direction.  Sooooo, be on the lookout.  Follow the up trend line until it breaks.  The one I am currently following is the green UT line.  And it's working.
This is a Daily chart of JCP

Now look at the weekly chart of JCP.  A larger picture of the stock's history tells a different story.  The weekly chart tells me that JCP is just going lower and lower.  It doesn't look like a turn around at all.  For me, I would not be willing to say that JCP is trying to turn around until the stock closes above DT 2.  When JCP closes above DT1, it will be safe to tell your friends & family to consider buying the stock in their retirement plans.  Right now though, DT 1 is a long way off.  So let's keep this between us active investors for now. 

Will there be opportunities to make money along the way?  Oh yes!  How about if the stock just follows DT 2 lower?  Sure, we all know there is a way to profit from a move lower.  Remember to trade what you see.  Not what you think, or feel, or hope, or ...

This is a Weekly chart of JCP


Do you see how some investors can be bullish while others are bearish?  It may be as simple as which TIME FRAME they are using to form their opinion. If I was recommending an investment to you and I only showed you the daily chart you might agree JCP looks bullish.  Looking at the weekly chart should damper your enthusiasm a bit. 
As I said earlier, I hope to get you to pay attention to other TIME FRAMES along with the one being presented.  You should look at the daily, weekly, and monthly charts before making an investment in any stock.  Then follow the trend.  Until it breaks.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving :-)

As part of the family sleeps in and another part runs our local Turkey Trot, I spend my time looking at charts and reading other people's comments.  You have to study investing if you want to be a successful investor.  I have learned over the years that you learn a lot more when your mouth is closed...  This is a hard lesson for me as I was born with the "gift of gab".
This post is short & sweet so I can get ready for a day full of family & friends.  I hope you have an amazing day today.  I hope you have thankfulness in your heart and that you show it as you walk through your day.
Here are a few charts to ponder as you eat your turkey & ham and pie...

This is a Daily chart of TSLA
Click on the chart to see a larger one
The notes on the chart say most of what I want to say about TSLA.  Remember that the company is now under investigation for the fires.  If the investigation goes well then it's good news and the stock probably jumps.  If it's bad news then the stock probably falls.  This "event risk" is not for the faint of heart.  If you invest any money in this company right now, be sure you realize that you may be buying a lottery ticket.  What usually happens to the money you spend on the lottery?  You lose it...

This is a Daily chart of CZR
Click on the chart to see a larger one
CZR has been cruising for a while now.  Will it continue?  No one knows.  But I will say there is some added excitement about the gaming sector as internet gaming with real money has begun...

This is a Daily chart of VJET
Click on the chart to see a larger one

 You have to be very careful with new issues (IPO's).  They don't have a history so the stock price can go anywhere.   All trend lines are short and therefor not very reliable.  I find it interesting that the stock price is very close to the vertex.  It will show us a direction very soon.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Twitter Inc (TWTR)

Trade what you see.  Not what you think or feel or hope or . . .

  • What I see on the chart below is a newly issued stock that is currently trading below the first trading day's range.  I also see that the current price is below the down trend line (DT) and just above the all time low line.  You should be able to see a triangle on the chart.  Horizontal bottom, red hypotenuse, imaginary left side.  This kind of triangle makes me feel like the stock price is being pushed down further and further and will eventually go below the horizontal base.  But that may or may not be the case...

  • Let's agree that the price of TWTR has to either break above the right vertex of the triangle or below it.  Agreed?  Ok then.  Whatever it does may be a sign of things to come.  If it closes below the horizontal base, then I would look for lower prices for the moment.  If it closes above the hypotenuse, then I would look for higher prices in the near future.  Could both of these expectations be wrong?  Yes.  The price could go sideways.

  • Notice that two days ago the stock closed below the horizontal base.  I took that as a bearish sign.  I expect that is telling me lower prices are coming.  But yesterday the stock closed above the horizontal trend.  Now I am not sure if my expectation is correct.  I am still leaning towards lower prices in the near future but how should I invest real money?

  • My best advice would be to wait and see what happens.  Maybe the best thing to do is not invest in this stock at this time.  Now there is a novel idea.  There is always risk involved in investing so you have to decide how much risk you are comfortable with.  If you decide you want to invest now then maybe use 25% - 33% of the money you want to eventually commit to a TWTR investment or trade.  Start small and wait for the chart to give more definitive information. 

So there are three options : higher, lower, or sideways.  The chart could give us a better idea by the end of the day. 

This is a Daily chart of TWTR

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Yahoo! Inc (YHOO)

  • Did you have any idea the chart of YHOO looked this good?  I sure wish I was invested in it since the beginning of the trend...   But the reality is I didn't see the beginning of the trend.

  • Every circle (elipse) is the beginning of a trend or a confirmation of the trend.  It is also a test of weather or not the trend will continue.  It can be a great place to get long the stock (if the trend continues).  It can be a great place to get short the stock (if the trend breaks). 

  • UT 1 is the longest and flattest "Up Trend" line.  UT 2 is the next longest but steeper "Up Trend" line.  IMHO, it is always a good sign when a UT 2 is created.  It shows increased strength and a faster advance in the share price.  Just to be brutally honest, there are many trend lines not shown on the chart.  But I like to focus on what I feel is important at the moment.  I also like a clean chart. 

  • I have come to the realization that you can't always catch the beginning of the trend because you can't watch all stocks all the time.  A battle I used to have with myself was the "Is it too late to get in?" battle.  This chart and many others will reaffirm the answer.  Which is "No one knows."  If you find a trend that is working then maybe try jumping in.  The trend might just last for another year.  Or more  :)   Or the trend might break within a few days.

This is a Daily chart of YHOO

Monday, November 25, 2013

Apple Inc (AAPL)

  • First let me say welcome to the new Blog.  This has been a long time coming.
  • This first post is more of a test to see how things go with the blog but I figured I would also give you an idea of what you will find here.  And Apple is as fine a chart to start off with as any.
  • As you may know, AAPL reached a high of about $700 and then began a $300 decline to ultimately reach about $400.  Everyone seems to have an "opinion" about this stock but you probably won't catch me giving one.  My goal hear is to share the things I see in the chart.  Primarily the trends and retracements.  I typically make comments about the chart but I try not to give opinions.  After all, I invest based on what I see happening.  Not what I think or hope will happen.
This is a Daily Chart of AAPL