Thursday, November 28, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving :-)

As part of the family sleeps in and another part runs our local Turkey Trot, I spend my time looking at charts and reading other people's comments.  You have to study investing if you want to be a successful investor.  I have learned over the years that you learn a lot more when your mouth is closed...  This is a hard lesson for me as I was born with the "gift of gab".
This post is short & sweet so I can get ready for a day full of family & friends.  I hope you have an amazing day today.  I hope you have thankfulness in your heart and that you show it as you walk through your day.
Here are a few charts to ponder as you eat your turkey & ham and pie...

This is a Daily chart of TSLA
Click on the chart to see a larger one
The notes on the chart say most of what I want to say about TSLA.  Remember that the company is now under investigation for the fires.  If the investigation goes well then it's good news and the stock probably jumps.  If it's bad news then the stock probably falls.  This "event risk" is not for the faint of heart.  If you invest any money in this company right now, be sure you realize that you may be buying a lottery ticket.  What usually happens to the money you spend on the lottery?  You lose it...

This is a Daily chart of CZR
Click on the chart to see a larger one
CZR has been cruising for a while now.  Will it continue?  No one knows.  But I will say there is some added excitement about the gaming sector as internet gaming with real money has begun...

This is a Daily chart of VJET
Click on the chart to see a larger one

 You have to be very careful with new issues (IPO's).  They don't have a history so the stock price can go anywhere.   All trend lines are short and therefor not very reliable.  I find it interesting that the stock price is very close to the vertex.  It will show us a direction very soon.

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